Tuesday, 8 October 2013

The Buggython Picture!

Better late than never!! Actually the Eastbourne Herald have been really supportive following little Finny and his journey and they have kindly dug out the Buggython Picture way back from August as Chris and I didnt take any pictures!! Doh!!
It seems like such a long time ago and little finny and his friends look so small - they are all huge now and it was only a few weeks ago. So much has happend since then and we have have raised so much money. I belive (without checking) our Grand total now stands at about £2553.61 or something like that, this includes all donations and gift Aid.......and the good news is we still havent finished!

Photo credited to The Eastbourne Hereald: www.eastbourneherald.co.uk

Today Chris is raffling off the Theatre Tickets that Eastbourne Theatres donated for our Raffle at his work until friday - Unfortunatley they wernt drawn at the last event and the show is on 20th October so before our next Raffle - hopefully the Chris Friends at work will dig deep!!!!

Monday, 7 October 2013

4th Check-up

Last Friday Finny had his fourth Check up in Sevenoaks. Chris had a days holiday, so he got to come to which was really nice as he hasnt made it up since we had our initial appointment.
We had a slightly earlier appointment than usual as Corrin was on leave and Steve lives up in Leeds so he likes to get away as early as he can to beat the traffic!!
So we drove up for 11.20am. It worked out really well actually. We left as Fin settle for his nap in the car and he woke up when he normally does and had a little play untill about 10  minutes before we arrived when he decided he had had enough and he got himself a bit worked up!
As we arrived a lady was waiting with her little girl who was due to have her treatment finished at that appointment and she came out with a big smile on her face with helmet in hand - the little girl looked beautiful and her head was delicious and round!
We then when into the consulting room and Steve greeted us - he is obviously a pro as he measure Fin in next to no time. Fin usually gives Corrin a hard time moving his head here there an everywhere, but he sat staring at steve wide eyed and open mouthed......perhaps he thought steve looked funny lol. Anyway he popped all the measurements into the computer. He said Fin was responding great to the helmet, his back measurement remained at 84% as it always has, but he had a reduction in his asymettry again this time another 2mm - which now brings his whole total to 9mm.
Steve advised us that next appointment will be Fins last and the treatment finished!! He said although it still fits him, he is out growing it. He feels it should last, but theres a chance we may have to finish it sooner if Fin starts showing signs its a bit too snug like tugging at it. I hope it last - but even if it doesnt his head is so different than when we started it doesnt matter. To be honest as well I dont know how much, if anymore reduction we can expect. The greatest reduction is always in the first few weeks and it kind of teeters of so maybe we will get another 1 mm if were lucky, 2 if were really lucky and if not - it doesnt matter anyway.
So 25 days and counting!!!

I'm a winner too!!

Well with all these glorious prizes tucked away in my house is it a little wonder that I have been a tiny incy wincy bit jealous of all these lucky people winning them?!?! Especially my friends too, come on can you blame me?
 Everyone keeps telling me to play and it's fine - why should it be a problem if I'm putting the money in too. However I just feel like it wouldn't be right, I don't want anyone to think Ive fixed it if I won something. So I took a back seat and congratulated everyone who has won so far - Then low and behold....(for those that dont know me I'm a bit of a comping addict whenever I have a spare moment I like to enter as much as I can...It pays of and I have won some nice prizes) ...just to make me feel even happier I got a phone call and Email from AngelCare UK who told me I had won a nappy bin and and a 2 year supply of refills!!!!
What makes this even more sweeter is that my Nappy bin had just run out of its last cassette and being at the end of maternity leave I was putting of buying more......now I'm hoping I will never have to buy any again, or at least until maybe another little baba arrives.....so now we have the job or getting Fin out of Nappies by the time hes 2yrs and 8 months!!

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The Raffle a huge Success!!

Photo Courtesy of the Eastbourne Herald: www.eastbourneherald.co.uk L-R: Brett Boniface, Mandy Lloyd-Jones Holding Lilia Boniface, Me, Chris, Finny and Nanny Tuppen

So the Raffle was on Saturday - Oh my gosh that took some organising in the final few hours. I had prizes and baby clothes coming out of my ears. I was in such a faffle trying to organise it all - i didn't realise how impossible it was going to be with an almost 8 month old....actually a snotty almost 8 month old that insisted on trying to touch and cover all the clean clothes in snot and drool!!

I have to say a huge Thank you to my two good Friends Mandy (above left with Lilia) and Ruth for coming to rescue by coming round Friday and helping me sort through everything. Also Little Nanny took Finny for the afternoon. Even after Mandy and Ruth had long gone home, Chris, my mum and myself were up until 1am getting the final touches together - this included double folding over 800 tickets!!

The raffle couldn't have gone better - We ended up going with the old Tombola style as this was easier for us to keep in line with the rules and regulations set out by the lottery and Gambling big wigs and also easier for us as we had so many wonderful prizes. I just wish we had more time as by the end of the sale we still had lots of prizes left over so I am busy working on my next event!!

In total the Raffle and Sale raised a grand total of £353.61 - not bad for 2 hours work, this is all going into the pot for Headstart4babies!

To my surprise the Herald Photographer turned up again to take some pictures and to run an article in the Eastbourne Gazette which can also be found online here: http://www.eastbourneherald.co.uk/news/local/raffle-and-clothes-sale-s-welcome-boost-to-charity-1-5545065 , so a big thankyou to the Herald once again for keeping the issue highlighted and following our progress!

Secondly, a huge Thank you to Karen and Sarah who run the BumbleBee Nearly new sales for letting us have the charity Stall.

Thirdly, a huge Thank you to all our sponsors for your generous donations which without these no raffle would have taken place - So a massive massive thank you!

Below is a list of Winners from Saturday. If any of our sponsors read this and wonder where your donation is - its in the spare room waiting for the next event!

Winners of My Little Head Raffle - Saturday 28th September:

Amber Bead Necklace - Rachel Wolstemholme
Amber Bead Necklace - Kate Thorpe
Baba Sling - Andrea Fuller
Ella's Kitchen Hamper - Nicola Teague
Hydroschool Swimming Lessons - Dan Polidano
Dr Browns Weaning Pots - Natasha Mewett
6 Months of Pregnacare Plus - Claire Towner
JoJo Mamen Bebe Voucher - Kerry Manton
Dr Brown Training Cup - Rachel Wolstemholme
Plum Gift Voucher - Nicola Teague
Daisy Bean Bag - Sheryl Manton
Belt up Kidz Safety Buckle - Julie Novis
Belle and Boo Mounted Picture - Dan polidano
Zippy Dribble Bibs - Ashling Jones
Theraline Baby Pillow - Ashling Jones
4D Pregnancy Scan - Kate Box
Baby Flash Cards - Bobbi Cook
Crawlerz Suit  - Rachel Collier
Crawlerz Suit - Rachel Collier
Crawlerz Suit - Claire Towner
Crawlerz Suit - Sarah Purdy
Crawlerz Suit - Lib Blaney
Crawlerz Suit - Name not taken
Crawlerz Suit - Name not taken
Baby Photoshoot - Kate Box
The Parenting Bookclub - Expectant Dads Handbook - Name not taken
Clarks Voucher - Mandy Lloyd-Jones
Cheeky Chompers Bib - Lib Blaney
Magic Mitten - Sheryl Manton
Baby Flash Cards - Ashling Jones
Baby Flash Cards - Claire Towner
Amber Beads Anklet - Vicki Dundas
Loubilou Gift Box - Joanne Willis
Nuby Bath Turtle - Rachel Wolstemholme
Sleepytot Bunny - Chloe Harrison
Lansinoh Breast Pads - Vicki Dundas
Cut and Blow Dry - Becky Savage
Earth Mama Gift set - Kate Box
Signed Childrens Book by Giles Paley-Phillips - Dan Polidano

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Resident of the Month!

I feel the like the last few weeks have merged into one big long week that has rushed by in a blink of an eye!! I have been so busy arranging stuff for our Raffle and just general life, that I cant believe its October today!!

Anyway to cut things short - I opened an email a few weeks back from a lovely lady named Jenny who advised me that Chris and I had been nominated for Eastbournes Resident of the Month for August - How Exciting - I don't think I have ever been nominated for anything in my life, so I didn't think there was going to be any chance of winning. I carried on reading and it sounded like it had been decided. I contacted Jenny who confirmed that all we needed to do was pop into Advanta (the sponsors) to get our picture taken for the Herald (Again) and we would be presented with a certificate, yes we had won!

I feel so Honoured - I never set out doing any of this for recognition. I just wanted other mums and dads to be able to have information about plagiocephaly to help them monitor and make decisions regarding their own little ones treatment options. I also wanted to ensure that we put as much money back into the charity as possible to help people who may not be as fortunate as us at raising funds. The Charity is a lifeline for families on lower incomes,  and no family should have to go without when it comes to treatment for young babies.

Last Thursday I met Chris during his lunch break and we took Little Finny into Advanta and we met Jenny and Yiotis who presented us with our certificate above!! We have also been given a meal for two at a local restaurant called Ridgeways up in Meads. I cant wait its been ages since Chris and I last went out....in fact Chris fell asleep last time in the cinema!! Haha!!

Jenny also advised us that, all winners throughout the year are put forward for Resident of the year....now that would be awesome - however I'm sure the competition are all amazing, so we will just dream for now!


Osteopathic Centre for Children - Free Osteopathy for babies and Children!

The Osteopathic Centre for Children is a charitable oesteopath centre based in Wandsworth, London. They aim to provide families the option of osteopath treatment regardless of your ability to pay. The clinic ask for a donation but this is not essential to you getting treatment for your child if you cant afford it.

Cranial Osteopathy is a great treatment for reducing plagiocephaly and on many occasions will reduce the condition enough to not require any further or other treatments. This is obviously dependant on the severity to begin with, but Treatment can be quite expensive. take a look at there website for more details: http://occ.uk.com/

The OCC is a charity and is only able to run due to the kind donations it receives, if you wish to donate please go to the website to find out how.
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